Indoor Plant Design, Installation & Maintenance

Most often, indoor plants are considered an afterthought in modern design. They’re considered an extravagant adornment instead of an architectural fixture. When a tangible effort is created to include living greenery within a built environment, the effect is unmistakable.

Buildings that feature indoor plants do more than just look good. These living green spaces prove beneficial to building occupants. The research on how indoor greenery impacts employee health and productivity can’t be refuted, and its positive effect continues to be seen.

Indoor plants and interior landscapes have been the core of Plantscapes since we launched in 2002. Since then, our service has grown to include much more than simply plants in pots.

Plantscapes offers a virtually endless selection of tropical plants, flowers, arrangements and containers for businesses in Metro Vancouver. While we provide some economic indoor office plant options, we pride ourselves on our amazing custom plantscape displays using unique containers, plants and flowers both imported from around the world and grown here in Canada.

Staying up-to-date and on the leading-edge of interior design styles and innovations, Plantscapes is constantly creating trendsetting designs where it involves incorporating office plants and interior landscapes alongside other natural elements.